本項目的潛在社會資本A是某集團公司下屬的專業負責污水處理的運營公司,也是本項目的投標人。按照特許經營協議(Concession Agreement)附件2 先決條件(Annexure 2 Conditions Precedent)的規定:特許經營協議生效的先決條件之一是項目發起人(采購人)已收到項目公司簽署并生效的EPC合同、以及EPC工作預期的開工日期不得早于先決條件滿足日期的通知等文件(The Master Developer having received from the Concession Company in form and substance satisfactory to the Master Developer: ……(3)copy of the duly executed Facility EPC Contract; (4) a true and complete notice to the Facility EPC Contractor notifying the Facility EPC Contractor of the anticipated commencement date of the Facility EPC Works in accordance with the provisions of the Facility EPC Contract which anticipated commencement date shall not be earlier than the Conditions Satisfaction Date; and ……)。因此,本項目在投標階段,潛在社會資本A即尋找某集團公司下屬的專業負責污水處理工程的工程公司B,作為本項目的EPC承包商。
本項目的特許經營協議中明確要求EPC承包合同中應約定,EPC承包商對項目公司和項目發起人(采購人)提供工藝和機械性能連帶責任保證(The Concession Company shall further ensure that the Facility EPC Contract shall contain a clause requiring the Facility EPC Contractor to provide a process joint and several warranty to the Concession Company and the Master Developer for the Facility EPC Works and a mechanical warranty for the Facility Equipment (“Collateral Warranty”) 。
潛在社會資本A和工程公司B如何談判簽署EPC承包合同?財政部 2014年12月30日發布了《關于規范政府和社會資本合作合同管理工作的通知》(財金〔2014〕156號),該通知后附的《PPP項目合同指南(試行)》第二節PPP項目合同體系提及:在PPP項目中,項目參與方通過簽訂一系列合同來確立和調整彼此之間的權利義務關系,構成PPP項目的合同體系。……在PPP項目合同體系中,各個合同之間并非完全獨立、互不影響,而是緊密銜接、相互貫通的,合同之間存在著一定的“傳導關系”,了解PPP項目的合同體系和各個合同之間的傳導關系,有助于對PPP項目合同進行更加全面準確的把握。……首先,在合同簽訂階段,作為合同體系的基礎和核心,PPP項目合同的具體條款不僅會直接影響到項目公司股東之間的協議內容,而且會影響項目公司與融資方的融資合同以及與保險公司的保險合同等其他合同的內容。此外,PPP項目合同的具體約定,還可能通過工程承包或產品服務購買等方式,傳導到工程承包(分包)合同、原料供應合同、運營服務合同和產品或服務購買合同上。其次,在合同履行階段,合同關系的傳導方向可能發生逆轉。例如分包合同的履行出現問題,會影響到總承包合同的履行,進而影響到PPP項目合同的履行。 ……這段話的核心是兩個字,即“傳導”。因此,本項目EPC承包合同談判的關鍵點也是“傳導”,項目公司權利義務從特許經營協議傳導到EPC承包合同,EPC承包商權利義務從EPC承包合同傳導到特許經營協議,雙向傳導即構成本項目項目公司和EPC承包商談判全過程,以及“PPP+PEC”模式運作的全過程。
所謂橘皮書指的是1995年FIDIC發布的《Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turkey》(以下簡稱“DBT"),所謂黃皮書指的是1999年FIDIC發布的《Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build》(以下簡稱“PDB"), 所謂銀皮書指的是1999年FIDIC發布的《Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects》(以下簡稱“EPCT"),均為國際上常用的工程承包合同文本。
FIDIC即法文F`ed`eration Internationale Des Ing`enieurs Conseils,英文International Federation of Consulting Engineers,中文國際咨詢工程師聯合會。1913年由歐洲三個國家獨立的咨詢工程師協會創立,1948年英國加入,1953年美國、加拿大、澳大利亞等國加入。現總部設在瑞士的日內瓦,目前正式的成員國會員有65個。中國工程咨詢協會1996年代表中國參加了FIDIC,成為FIDIC的正式成員國。FIDIC的權威性主要體現在其高質量的工程合同范本上,世界銀行、亞洲開發銀行、非洲開發銀行等國際金融機構的貸款項目指定使用FIDIC合同文本,并被國際工程界廣泛采納。
按照FIDIC發布的合同文本說明,DBT are recommended for general use for the purpose of the design and construction of Works where tenders are invited on an international basis. The Conditions are also intended for use on turnkey contracts, under which the Employer's requirements usually include provision of a fully-equipped facility, ready for operation(at the turn of the" key") .Turnkey contracts typically include design, construction, fixtures, fitting and equipment, the scope of which would be defined in other contract documents. In addition, the contract may impose a requirement for the Contractor to operate the Works, either for a few months' commissioning period, or for some years' operation on a build-operate-transfer contact.
PDB are recommended for the provision of electrical and/or mechanical plant, and for the design and execution of building or engineering works. Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the Contract designs and provides, in accordance with the Employer's requirements, plant and/or other works, which may include any combination of civil, mechanical, electrical and/or construction works.
EPCT are recommended for the provision on a turnkey basis of a process or power plant, and which also be used where one entity takes total responsibility for the design and execution of a privately financed infrastructure project which involves little or no work underground. Under the usual arrangements for this type of contract, the entities carries out all the Engineering, Procurement and Construction ("EPC") :providing a fully-equipped facility, ready for operation (at the turn of the" key").
因此,DBT、PDB和 EPCT都可以作為本項目EPC參考合同文本,那么區別在哪里?筆者自1995年開始使用橘皮書,2003年使用銀皮書,2012年開始使用黃皮書進行實際工作。從實操中,筆者認為,最大的區別就是雇主(即國內的“發包人”)、承包商(即國內的“承包人”)的風險分擔不同。例如,在EPC承包中常見的Setting Out(放線),DBT、PDB和 EPCT 分別規定如下:
從上述對比可以看出,對于同一個Setting Out(放線)條款來說,黃皮書傾向承包商,銀皮書傾向雇主,而橘皮書相對來說,描述比較模糊,容易引起歧義。類似的條款內容很多,關于三個版本的對比和應用,筆者認為完全可以作為一個專題,由于篇幅關系,不一一列舉。總之,潛在社會資本A希望用銀皮書,工程公司B希望用黃皮書作為討論的EPC承包合同文本。
在投標階段,雙方沒有達成一致。但是同意,工程公司B站在EPC承包商角度對特許經營協議(Concession Agreement)及附件條件(Annexure)提出書面偏差,與潛在社會資本A所提偏差共同匯總,作為投標文件的內容,向項目發起人(采購人)遞交。
筆者深刻體會到,境外PPP項目包括國際工程項目,一定要對境外的常見合同文本有所掌握,而其中FIDC發布的各種工程合同文本更應熟知又熟。值得提醒的是,2017年12月,FIDIC在倫敦舉辦的國際用戶會議上,發布了1999版三本合同條件的第二版:施工合同條件 (新紅皮書,Conditions of Contract for Construction);工程設備與設計—建造合同條件 (新黃皮書,Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design Build );EPC交鑰匙合同條件 (新銀皮書,Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects )。感興趣的讀者可以深入關注這三個新版本的有關內容。
經過評審,非常幸運,潛在社會資本A成為第一中標候選人。因此潛在社會資本A和工程公司B談判簽署EPC承包合同是不可回避的工作。由于兩家公司同屬一個集團公司,且都是全資子公司,存在共同的利益關系,因此集團公司最終確定,以1999年FIDIC發布的《Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build》即黃皮書作為EPC承包合同簽約基礎。
17.6 Limitation of Liability責任限度
Neither Party shall be liable to be other Party for loss of use of any Works, loss of profit, loss of any contract or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage which may be suffered by the other Party in connection with the Contract, other than under Sun-clause 16.4 [Payment on Termination] and Sub-Clause17.1[indemnities](除根據14.6款[終止時的付款]和第17.1款[保障]的規定外,任何一方不應對另一方使用任何工程中的損失、利潤損失、任何合同的損失,或對另一方可能遭受的與合同有關的任何間接或引發的損失或損害負責)。
The total liability of the Contractor to the Employer, under or in connection with the Contractor other than under Sub-Clause4.19 [Electricity, Water and Gas], Sub-Clause4.20 [Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material], Sub-Clause17.1 [Indemnities] And Sub-Clause 17.5 [Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights], should not exceed the sum stated in the Particular Conditions or (if a sum is not so stated) the Accepted Contract Amount(除根據第4.19款[電、水和燃氣]、第4.20款[雇主設備和免費提供的材料]、第17.1款[保障]以及第17.5款[知識產權和工業產權]的規定外,承包商根據或與有關合同對雇主的全部責任不應超過專用條件中規定的總額,或(如果沒有規定該總額)中標合同金額)。
This Sub-Clause shall not limit liability in any case of fraud, deliberate default or reckless misconduct by the defaulting Party(本款不應限制違約方的欺騙、有意違約、或輕率的不當行為等任何情況的責任)。
但是Concession Agreement (特許經營協議)及其附件并沒有類似約定,因此,社會資本A和工程公司B共同與項目發起人(采購人)談判特許經營協議之時,要求增加該部分內容。經過談判和協商,特許經營協議中增加了一款內容,即責任限度(LIABILITY LIMIT),如下所示:
1) Concession Company Limitation of Liability
(a) The Concession Company’s aggregate liability to the Master Developer pursuant to or under this Agreement over the Construction Period shall not exceed USDXXX.
(b) The Concession Company’s aggregate liability to the Master Developer pursuant to or under this Agreement in any Operating Year shall not exceed XX% of the total Service Charges for that Operating Year.
(c) The liabilities of the Concession Company as described in Clause(d) shall not be taken into account in determining whether any of the limits on liability set out in Clause(a) and (b) have been reached.
(d) The limits on liability set out in Clause (a) and (b) shall not apply to:
(i) any liability of the Concession Company in respect of personal injury and death;
(ii) any liability of the Concession Company arising out of any fraud or wilful default or gross negligence by the Concession Company;
(iii) any payment of statutory interest and legal costs awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction or arbitral tribunal against the Concession Company; and
(iv) any liability of the Concession Company to pay the relevant Purchase Price to the Master Developer to the extent that the Purchase Price is a negative figure.
2) Master Developer Limitation of Liability
(a) The Master Developer’s aggregate liability to the Concession Company pursuant to or under this Agreement over the Construction Period shall not exceed USDXXX.
(b) The Master Developer’s aggregate liability to the Concession Company pursuant to or under this Agreement over the Operating Period shall not exceed USDXXX.
(c) The liabilities of the Master Developer as described in Clause (d) shall not be taken into account in determining whether any of the limits on liability set out in Clause (a) and (b) have been reached.
(d) The limits on liability set out in Clause (a) and (b) shall not apply to:
(i) any liability of the Master Developer in respect of personal injury and death;
(ii) any liability of the Master Developer arising out of any fraud or wilful default or gross negligence by Master Developer;
(iii) any payment of statutory interest and legal costs awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction or arbitral tribunal against the Master Developer;
(iv) any liability of the Master Developer to pay the relevant Purchase Price to the Concession Company; and
(v) any liability of the Master Developer for any costs and expenses incurred by the Concession Company to implement a Confirmed Master Developer Variation.
3)Consequential Loss
Neither party shall be liable to the other party under or in connection with this Agreement in contract, tort, warranty, indemnity, strict liability, other legal theory or otherwise for any special, consequential, or punitive damages or indirect losses, costs or expenses or loss of actual or anticipated profits (whether direct or indirect), loss of production, loss of use, loss of business, loss of revenue, lost opportunities (including opportunities to enter into or complete arrangements with third parties), a failure to realise anticipated savings, loss of goodwill or loss of reputation …….
筆者認為,責任限度(LIABILITY LIMIT)條款實際就是一個由下向上“傳導”的條款,由承包商傳導到項目公司,項目公司再傳導到項目發起人(采購人),該條款對各方來講是多贏的。
這不是最復雜的,假設特許經營協議僅是由于項目公司自身的原因而終止,在EPC承包合同項下這種終止是由于雇主便利而終止還是雇主違約而終止?社會資本A和工程公司B反反復復討論多次,其最大的區別就是終止補償的內容是有差別的。另外,按照黃皮書的規定,有Tests on Completion 和Tests After Completion,社會資本A和工程公司B的工作界面是哪一個?